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Artichokes Stuffed with Vegetables and Cheese

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  • Prep 60 min
  • Total 1 hr 30 min
  • Ingredientes 11
  • Porciones 4
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Fourth of July is the perfect occasion for enjoying delicious and fresh salads that I love serving in edible dishes, like these stuffed artichokes. Besides being an exquisite side for any grilled meat, they’re also great for vegetarians. And if you skip the cheese, they’re a tasty option for vegans. The artichokes can be prepared a day in advance and be ready to fill before lunch. If you use Green Giant™ vegetables (convenient and portable), it will be much easier to prepare this dish quickly so you have more free time for the celebrations or to attend to your guests. You can add mayo to the salad as a dressing, but since it’s so hot I prefer to make a light vinaigrette with fresh lime juice. You can easily multiply or divide the recipe, depending on how many guests you’re expecting. Remember, if you plan in advance, everything will come out perfect and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy a happy gathering with your loved ones.
por Morena Cuadra
Actualizada Oct 28, 2016
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  • 4 alcachofas grandes
  • Sal y pimienta, a gusto
  • 2 rodajas de limón
  • 2 latas de mezcla de verduras Green Giant™
  • 1 taza de queso Gouda, picado en cubitos

For the Vinaigrette

  • 1/3 taza de jugo de limón
  • 2/3 taza de aceite de oliva
  • 1 cucharadita de miel
  • 1 cucharadita de mostaza antigua
  • Sal y pimienta, a gusto

To decorate

  • Hojas de orégano o de perejil


  • 1
    Lava bien las alcachofas, recorta las hojas con una tijera para descartar toda la punta.
  • 2
    Colócalas en una olla con agua, junto con las rodajas de limón, la sal y la pimienta. Hierve.
  • 3
    Cocina durante 45 minutos con la olla a medio tapar, hasta que al insertar la punta de un cuchillo en el centro de las alcachofas, se sientan tiernas.
  • 4
    Retira las alcachofas de la olla y escúrrelas. Ponlas en una tabla para que se enfríen. Retira las hojas del centro, y cuando veas la parte fibrosa del corazón, retírala también. Debe quedarte como un molde, listo para rellenar.
  • 5
    Abre las latas de mezcla de verduras y escúrrelas. Vierte los vegetales en un recipiente y combínalas con el queso Gouda.
  • 6
    Para la vinagreta: Combina todos los ingredientes y salpimienta a gusto. Adereza la ensalada con la vinagreta.
  • 7
    Vierte la ensalada en el centro de las alcachofas y decora con hojas de orégano o de perejil.
  • 8
    Puedes mantenerla refrigerada hasta el momento de servir.

Consejos de expertos

  • consejo 1
    En vez de queso Gouda, también puedes usar mozzarella o Fontina.
  • consejo 2
    Puedes hacer la vinagreta con vinagre de vino blanco y hierbas aromáticas.

Información Nutricional

585.2 Calorías, 44.2g Grasa total, 16.7g Proteína, 36.9g Carbohidratos totales, 8.1g Azúcares

Información Nutricional

Porción: 1 porción
Grasa total
Grasa saturada
Carbohidratos totales
Fibra dietética
% Valor Diario*:
Vitamina C
*Valores diarios basados en una dieta de 2,000 calorías.

Más acerca de esta receta

  • Fourth of July is the perfect occasion for enjoying delicious and fresh salads that I love serving in edible dishes, like these stuffed artichokes. Besides being an exquisite side for any grilled meat, they’re also great for vegetarians. And if you skip the cheese, they’re a tasty option for vegans. The artichokes can be prepared a day in advance and be ready to fill before lunch. If you use Green Giant™ vegetables (convenient and portable), it will be much easier to prepare this dish quickly so you have more free time for the celebrations or to attend to your guests. You can add mayo to the salad as a dressing, but since it’s so hot I prefer to make a light vinaigrette with fresh lime juice. You can easily multiply or divide the recipe, depending on how many guests you’re expecting. Remember, if you plan in advance, everything will come out perfect and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy a happy gathering with your loved ones.
  • Fourth of July is the perfect occasion for enjoying delicious and fresh salads that I love serving in edible dishes, like these stuffed artichokes. Besides being an exquisite side for any grilled meat, they're also great for vegetarians. And if you skip the cheese, they're a tasty option for vegans. The artichokes can be prepared a day in advance and be ready to fill before lunch. If you use canned vegetables (convenient and portable), it will be much easier to prepare this dish quickly so you have more free time for the celebrations or to attend to your guests. You can add mayo to the salad as a dressing, but since it's so hot I prefer to make a light vinaigrette with fresh lime juice. You can easily multiply or divide the recipe, depending on how many guests you're expecting. Remember, if you plan in advance, everything will come out perfect and you'll be able to relax and enjoy a happy gathering with your loved ones.
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